Thursday, July 22, 2010


I genuinely couldn't think of a title for this post in my usual style. Thus I'm ashamed of myself. Other than that Gouden Carolus is a nice beer, betraying it's high alcoholic strength with it's wonderfully fruity aroma. The beautiful yeast in this beer is very surprisingly balanced with it's citrus and fruity malts. This Gouden Carlous is 8.5% proof but it isn't very strong tasting so this beer can actually be drank like water. This beer even screams craft beer and drinking it pats each of it's consumers (in the metaphorical sense) on the back for being a beer aficionado but Gouden Carlous is neither strong tasting nor hoppy enough to completely satisfy my taste buds and I want to follow my heart on this beer and leave Gouden Carlous falling half way to a bullseye at five out of ten. However I like to think myself as as good judge of beer and Gouden Carlous efficiently ticks all the same boxes as the big brand name beers and would not only appeal but satisfy the tastes of the average drinker of any taste and age that don't particularly have a preference for craft brewed beer. Gouden Carlous falls two shots short of the mark at eight out of ten.
-The Poacher

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